Kayenta Connection February 2024

Kayenta Homes & Properties Annual

Kayenta Homes and Properties Open House

We sure hope you RSVP’d.

The Winter Warm Up Open House is today,

February 1 from 1 – 4 pm at the Center for the Arts at Kayenta.

This party is open house style, utilizing the lobby space, and outdoor patio for everyone’s comfort.

Please dress for the weather.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Kayenta HOmes & Properties

Our office is open 7 days a week to help with all your Kayenta real estate needs!

Jeff Sproul, Principal Broker
Steve McAllister & Naomi Doyle, Sales Agents

435-628-7234   www.kayentahomes.com

MARK YOUR CALENDARFebruary Arts Festival

February Art Festival

The Kayenta February Art Festival is heading your way!

Presidents Day Weekend

Saturday Feb. 17th & Sunday, Feb 18th, 2024

10 am – 5 pm

This Art Festival is a smaller, more intimate affair that showcases
textiles, stone work, pottery, metal sculptures, jewelry, woodworks, mirrors, and mosaics, just to name a few!

Food vendors and live music too!

Saturday Performers:
Thomas Anderson (10:30 am – 12:00 pm), Kaeli Chae (12:30 – 2:00 pm) & Austin Mariano (2:30-4:00 pm)

Sunday Performers:
River Horse Band (10:30 am – 12:00 pm), Mason Cottam (12:30 – 2:00 pm) & Mountain Meadow Music (2:30-4:00 pm)

Kayenta Art Village


435.673.6628  | 435.674.2306  |  kayentautah.com

Center for the Arts at Kayenta

Upcoming Events

DOCUTAH presents: Monsterman

DOCUTAH presents:

February 2


The Center for the Arts at Kayenta is thrilled to partner with DOCUTAH on a new monthly film series. DOCUTAH seeks to open hearts and minds to the world through beautifully crafted stories on film, promoting education while creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and community.

After shockingly winning the Eurovision Song Competition in 2006, Mr. Lordi, the monster of Lapland, and his horror metal band lose almost everything. Will the man behind Mr. Lordi find a way to stay true to himself and make a comeback?



February 10


After his father’s unexpected death, pianist Adam Tendler used his inheritance, a wad of cash received in a parking lot, to begin a commissioning project inviting a broad spectrum of sound artists and composers to create new piano works exploring the idea of ‘inheritance’ itself. Woven into one intimate program, these pieces tell a universal story of lineage, loss, and place, and become a meditation on confronting our past while moving forward into the future.


Liz Toonkel:

February 24


Magic for Animals is a one-woman magic show about agency, consent, and animal rights. Liz Toonkel uses sparkling, incisive humor to offer a refreshing antidote to the gendered and speciesist tradition of magic. She examines how we treat animals, and urges us to reconsider how we treat one another. By day, Liz is a production designer who’s shaped the look of such films as Marcel the Shell with Shoes On and Emily the Criminal, by night she’s a performance artist and magician.


Voyager Lecture Series

February 27

How to Build a Bird, Evolution-Style
Presentation by Jerry Harris

What makes a bird a bird? And when did all those characteristically birdy features first evolve? The evolutionary origins of birds, and the way that birds were “built” over the course of almost 100 million years, may surprise you! Dr. Jerry Harris is currently the Director of Paleontology and a Professor of Geology at Dixie State University and is the scientific advisor to the St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm in St. George.

For more information and tickets to the amazing events please visit our website.

We look for to seeing you at the Center for the Arts in Kayenta.

Dry Wash Area

Dry Wash Area

kayenta Utah

Troubled Waters

Matt Marten, Kayenta Development Inc.

A consequential reservoir project is in the planning process but little detail is known

For almost three years, the proposed Dry Wash Reservoir project has been slowly moving forward, slated for an area of Ivins City and within the Kayenta planning area.  Construction details, management, costs, and public safety are still raising questions.

Dry Wash

Dry Wash is a naturally pristine area in the Ivins City boundary that was owned by State Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA).  The wash extends from Kwavasa Drive (at the dip in the road) down to Highway 91.  It is an area that was planned as a natural open space for public enjoyment.  This vision goes back to 1978 and is included in the Kayenta policy declaration as a part of the annexation by William Carma Associates (the original partners in Kayenta) with the Town of Ivins.  By 1994 a general plan for the Kayenta area in Ivins established the vision for Dry Wash as a “Proposed Pristine Natural Park “.  For several decades, the developers of Kayenta planned to purchase Dry Wash to expand the community’s footprint.  Chiefly, Terry Marten was the driving force behind this effort.  Since 1994, he has developed a long-standing relationship with SITLA with an eye toward this goal.    

By 2017, Marten started the process of finalizing the purchase of state-owned land adjacent to Kayenta.  In 2021 he had closed on most of the state parcels excluding the Dry Wash site.  The Dry Wash was to be the final sale completing the vision.

The purchase of land from SITLA was a five-year process.  Terry Marten had secured all the real estate that was developable, adding it to the Kayenta footprint.  The balance of the land (Dry Wash) was land that would not be developed.  Dry wash is comprised of floodplain, steep slopes, and rock formations.  SITLA had agreed to sell the land to Marten with the understanding it would be conveyed to Ivins City or another entity to provide a pristine natural park.  By March 2021, the land sale had been approved by the trust and closing documents were being prepared.

Within a matter of five days, Terry Marten received word that Washington County Water Conservancy District (WCWCD) had contracted with the state blocking the sale.  After little interest in the project for 17 years, WCWCD announced its intention to build a reuse waste-water storage reservoir in Dry Wash.

Early in the talks, Marten negotiated with WCWCD to mitigate the impact on the reservoir project stating: “I am against the reservoir but if it is good for Ivins, I would reluctantly acquiesce.

Negotiations continued and it was determined by Marten and WCWCD that the reservoir had been tentatively planned for a 1,200-acre feet reservoir.  This size was based on a two-decades-old Environmental Assessment that was about to expire.

In November 2021, the WCWCD agreed to submit are agreed-upon plan to the city.   With scant details about the reservoir, the Ivins City Council voted affirmatively a resolution that allow the WCWCD to explore the development of an even larger reservoir.  The larger reservoir would be a minimum of 1,500-acre feet or greater.  This was not what had been represented to Terry Marten and was in conflict with the Environmental Assessments recommendation.

Marten and others have brought up concerns surrounding the location, which include cost, management, safety, health, and nuisances.  More than two years later, none of these concerns have been appropriately addressed in detail.

Statement from Kayenta Development Inc. opposing the Dry Wash Reservoir:

Forty-eight years ago, the vision for Kayenta was established in the southwest corner of Washington County, Utah.  Before the Kayenta community could become a reality, a water supply had to be sourced and secured.  By 1978, the Ence Wells were developed tapping into the Santa Clara aquifer.  The security of this water lease assured Kayenta could move forward.

Kayenta was founded knowing the importance of water availability and conservation.   One of the basic tenets of the development concept for Kayenta is to be respectful of water as a precious resource.  Out of necessity, Kayenta embraced a water-wise concept as one of its core values.

Preservation of the natural landscape and water-wise desert landscaping are basic agreements we live by in the Kayenta Community and are values shared by many Ivins residents. Kayenta Development Inc.’s mission is to maintain and develop the values and covenants of Kayenta.

Kayenta Development Inc. opposes a reservoir in Dry Wash because it is in direct conflict with our mission and the community plan and covenant.   On the surface, it would seem a reservoir to conserve, and reuse water would be consistent with our values, and it is.  As we consider the details of a reservoir in Dry Wash, concerning questions rise to the surface.  We fundamentally object to the reservoir due to its location and proposed methods of use.   With its location in the middle of the Kayenta planning area, Dry Wash is an irreplaceable natural open space for Kayenta, Ivins residents, and the public.  We believe Dry Wash should be preserved as a natural feature that provides open space accessible to everyone.  For decades, Dry Wash has been earmarked to be a pristine natural park.

The Dry Wash Reservoir is planned to store treated sewer water to be reused for water parks, golf courses, and agricultural crops.  The water level of the reservoir would rise and fall with seasonal need.  The reservoir would not be for public recreation, nor would it be an environmental asset.  While the proposed reservoir might temporarily reduce demand on culinary water for irrigation it provides no benefit to Kayenta and may have little tangible value to Ivins given the tradeoffs.

The proposed Dry Wash Reservoir undermines decades of planning, land acquisitions, and agreements.  It threatens sensitive land, natural habitat, open-space transportation planning/connectivity, public health /safety, and the existing Santa Clara aquifer freshwater wells.   The visual impact is also in conflict with the reason many residents have chosen to live and invest in Ivins.  It compromises the natural beauty and wild nature of the area.

To date, the myriad unresolved questions surrounding the proposed reservoir have effectively stopped planning in the southeast portion of Kayenta.  From a development business standpoint, this is devastating to decades of agreements and planning efforts.  It creates an unstable dynamic that diverts energy and focus away from other pressing planning issues.   While investment, obligations, and profit are the core of every company and organization, Kayenta Development Inc.’s mission is to build the Kayenta Community based on its fundamental vision of living in balance with nature.

For decades it has been known that southern Utah would need more water to grow.  Fast-paced growth in areas of Washington County has fueled the need to expand water conservation efforts and seek alternative water sources such as reuse.  It is not our intention to obstruct water planning and conservation efforts.  We welcome collaboration and meaningful conversations that contribute to knowledge and effort to secure water for the future of Washington County, Ivins, and Kayenta.

Watch Ivins City for public hearings

Contact Ivins City Council with your concerns

Attend Talk About hosted by Mayor Hart


Wednesday, February 21st at 7 pm
at Rocky Vista University for a Water Talkabout.

It’s an opportunity to ask Zach Renstrom,
head of the WCWCD, your questions.

Photos below were taken from the Dry Wash area.

Dry Wash
Dry Wash Area
Dry Wash Area

Art On Loan

Center for the Arts at Kayenta

ART PRINTERS – now’s your chance!

The next Kayenta Center for the Arts show, “Impressions on Paper”, will be accepting entries on Wednesday, March 27th from 3 – 6 p.m. The world of prints includes screenprints, linocuts, intaglio, collagraphy and even woodcuts! AND – the new format reception on Friday, April 5th will be a PARTY – music, wine, and a special film previews. So PRINT on and enter this excellent show! All must-read info is at the link below. We can’t wait to see what you CREATE!

"Thistle" by Pat Legan

“Thistle” by Pat Legan

Kayenta Community

The local perspective. Our businesses and residents news and events.
Coyote Tales
Photo by Alan Holben
Coyote Tales

We Want to Hear Your Story

Join us February 9th for an evening of true stories told live the Coyote Tales way!

DO YOU HAVE A STORY TO TELL? Prepare a 5-minute story about a time when you found resolution, a truce, an olive branch. Have you ever surrendered to the greater good or had to negotiate for peace with a nation, a notion, or a neighbor? Perhaps you had to come to terms or wave the white flag. Tell us about a time when you gave peace a chance.

We want to hear YOUR story about MAKING PEACE

YOUR STORY MUST BE YOUR STORY. Were you there? Are you the main character? Your involvement in the events as they unfold is essential.  We are after true, first-person narrative stories.

If you are interested in getting on stage, please contact Victoria through the Coyote Tales website.

Event Details
Date: Friday, February 9th at The Center for the Arts at Kayenta
Pre-show party 6:30 pm (event ticket required for admission)
Storytelling: 7:30 pm

Coyote Tales events are funded by Petite Feast, Utah Humanities, Utah Division of Arts and Museums Kayenta Homes and Properties. We are grateful for the in-kind support of SBDance, The INN at Santa Clara & Desert Dweller Realty.
All proceeds from live Coyote Tales events have benefited local non-profits or have been FREE.

Bruce and Jane

Resident Spotlight

Janell Bassett, Editor

Jane Blackwell and Bruce Schroeder—the river trip that never ended

For Jane Blackwell and Bruce Schroeder a trip through the River of No Return Wilderness turned out to be just that. They met on a river trip and, as Bruce tells it, “a week on the river is worth a year of traditional dating.” They’ve now been married almost 35 years.

From Michigan, Bruce originally came to Salt Lake City to ski and to find a place to put his teaching credential to work. After eight years in special education classrooms, he became director of a statewide staff development project designed to improve results for students with disabilities.

After 10 years as a “domestic engineer” in Eastern Washington, Jane returned to school as a single mother, earning a master’s and a Ph.D. She boldly arrived in Utah for a position as the first Licensed Psychologist at St. Benedict’s Hospital in Ogden. She wasn’t planning on remaining here, but then there was that river trip.

Bruce and Jane discovered Kayenta when Bruce ran his first (of 20) marathons in 1989. Mesmerized by the beauty of the red rocks and the “good energy” here, they began building in 2010 and moved in a year later. Both Jane and Bruce quickly immersed themselves in the community, joining the Kayenta Community Garden, the Shonto Point HOA board (Bruce served six years as secretary), and projects with the Kayenta Arts Foundation.

Bruce soon took up swimming instead of running for exercise. Not one to do anything halfway, he is now president of the Utah Masters Swimming Association, swims five times a week and has competed in the Huntsman Games for the last 10 years. Certified as a coach at levels 1 and 2, he loves helping people enjoy swimming at all levels.

Currently, he swims with the Trailblazer Masters at the Utah Tech University Pool, but also in lakes and local reservoirs. Last year he swam in an 8-mile fundraising relay around Mackinac Island in Lake Huron, Michigan, with Jane as his support kayaker.

Jane, of course, is no less busy. Following a rewarding 30-year career in hospitals and private practice, she “retired” when they moved to Kayenta, starting another career supporting the arts and education.

She first got involved with the Kayenta Street Painting Festival and in 2013 joined the board of the Kayenta Arts Foundation, where she continued to serve for a decade, as treasurer and chair. “As a psychologist and human being, I believe our overall well-being is enhanced by art in all its forms,” she says, adding that art also “amplifies our appreciation for the breathtaking surroundings where we live.”

Her continuing interest in education includes working with the American Association of University Women, which awards scholarships to women in Utah. In between those projects, she enjoys working in fabric art, cooking, joining in reading groups, and riding her e-bike.

Though they began on a river, today Jane and Bruce indulge their passion for the outdoors on walks, enjoying the incredible scenery of Kayenta.  At 35 years and counting, Bruce says, ”We can’t imagine a more beautiful way to live the rest of their lives together.”


Editors note. If you know someone that you think should be featured in our monthly Kayenta Connection under our NEW “Resident Spotlight” section please email the Kayenta Connection at kayentaconnection@rdicreative.com. Our intent is to focus on the incredible people living in our community– be they seasoned residents or new recruits. 

January 2024 Ivins City Council Update

Mike Scott, Council Member

Is The Reservoir Plan All Wet?

The Washington County Water Conservation District (WCWCD) plans to create Dry Wash Reservoir in Ivins between Kwavasa and Hwy 91. Currently, they think they will start construction this year.

How does this reservoir plan fit with our community vision? What will we put in the reservoir? How clean is that water? Who will use the water? Will the reservoir become a new playground? What can we do about blowing dust every summer and fall as the reservoir level drops? What about problems created by gnats and no-see-ums? And tamarisks? What about costs? Do we really need this reservoir? Is it a done deal?

Please join me on Wednesday, February 21st at 7 pm
at Rocky Vista University for a Water Talkabout.

It’s an opportunity to ask Zach Renstrom,
head of the WCWCD, these and other questions.

Proposed Ivins Reservoir

Wants & Needs

Dry Wash is a naturally pristine area in Ivins. More than 45 years ago William Carma & Associates, the original developer of Kayenta, planned for the wash and surrounding area to remain a natural open space for public enjoyment. Terry Marten has consistently continued that vision since then.

The Ivins General Plan acknowledges the importance of the washes in Ivins, including Dry Wash, saying they are “important as visual open space, wildlife habitat area and recreation corridors.” In last year’s General Plan Survey, 81% of the respondents made it clear that open space is important to them.

Unfortunately, neither developer owned the land, although not for lack of trying. And the City doesn’t own the land. It’s in the hands of the Washington County Water Conservancy District. Woulda, coulda, shoulda isn’t helpful at this point.

The open space vision is beautiful. I can’t imagine there is anyone who wouldn’t want that. But life is messy. We must continually balance needs and wants. Needs are necessary for life. Wants improve life.

We want open space. We need water. WCWCDs 20-year plan published earlier this year finally dropped the expectation of water from Lake Powell, at least for the next 20 years, and replaced it with more aggressive expectations for conservation benefits and secondary water. Both the draft Ivins Water Conservation Plan and WCWCDs 20-year plan show we don’t have enough water to meet our needs without secondary water.

Ready For Beach Blanket Bingo?

Ivins residents are concerned about a reservoir becoming a nuisance from crowds of people, from who knows where, descending on it for recreation. Residents don’t want this reservoir to become another destination fun park, like Fire Lake Park. Think summer teen beach movies.

Fortunately (and unfortunately) Ivins City, not WCWCD, will oversee the management of the land around the reservoir. The city council already indicated it won’t be used for recreation, beyond perhaps hiking and fishing, as the City Council resolution in 2021 stated. But just because the city said that in a resolution doesn’t make it happen. We need a bulletproof management plan.

The Problem, My Friend, Is Blowin’ in the Wind

Another problem is dust and sand blowing from the reservoir. Nothing is finalized yet, but Wayne Pennington, an Ivins resident who is a geophysicist and a former Dean of Engineering calculates that the reservoir would shrink from 67 acres when full in the spring to just 20 acres each fall. That leaves 47 acres of exposed, dry reservoir bed.

Winds from the west and north will blow dust and sand from that bed across Ivins. That dust may contain material that remains in solution through the treatment plant, such as some chemicals from pharmaceuticals or other products.

To put the numbers in perspective, Wayne pointed out that 47 acres is almost 30% larger than the existing Ivins Reservoir at Fire Lake Park. He also calculated that it is roughly equivalent to several city blocks, such as 200W to 200E and Center St to past 100N.

To help minimize the blowing sand and dust problem, WCWCD is looking at adding gravel along the shore and excavating some shallow areas of the reservoir so less area will be exposed. Will that eliminate the problem? We need to get involved as a city and come up with the best possible solution to this problem. Because once the reservoir is built, it will be the city’s problem.

This Is Gnat Desirable
…or Yes You Can Have Too Much Protein

And then there are mosquitoes and gnats, problems the city will have to deal with. There’s already an effective program in place to deal with mosquitos, through the Southwest Mosquito Abatement & Control District (SMACD). The District treats mosquitoes at the Ivins Reservoir and throughout the county.

Sean Amodt, SMACDs Administrator, told me he has been working with WCWCD on the plans for the reservoir to make sure that it doesn’t create additional problems. In 2024 his team will trap in the area around the proposed reservoir to better understand what is out there. He also said the Shivwits Band of Paiutes is also starting a program that will help control that area.

Gnats, including no-see-ums (a type of gnat), are more troublesome. I contacted some residents who live close to the Ivins Reservoir to find out how bad the gnat problem is. They all told me it’s bad.

Here’s what one resident said: “The gnats are awful from late spring through late fall. We cannot sit outside, especially in the evenings, unless there’s a pretty strong breeze. They form in tall swarms that can be several feet tall. When you look from our house to the reservoir over the sagebrush all you see is this wall of swirling flying gnats. There’s no way to open windows in the evening because they fit through any screen.”

Sean told me that “gnats develop in soil at the base of trees, not water, but they like moisture. Chuck Warren, president of Desert Preservation Initiative, told me that if tamarisk isn’t removed completely from the area around the reservoir, this invasive tree will take over the shoreline.

An invasion of tamarisk will make the gnats happy. Chuck added that this isn’t a one-time effort. Tamarisk is more persistent. A long-term management plan is important to prevent tamarisk from getting out of control.

After emerging as adults, they will fly miles for a blood meal if needed. With the moist soil this past year from the snowpack, gnats were in abundance. They would be attracted to the moist environment of the reservoir, but they don’t need it for development.”

He goes on to say that “the only effective treatment would be a nightly adulticide treatment. It would be effective, for each night, but would have to be reapplied each night. This would be expensive for product and manpower. Also, treating the ground around the area would be just as costly. There really isn’t a good solution for gnats other than a good repellent.”

Annoying as they are, biting gnats are an essential part of the web of life in Southwest Utah. Birds, bats, fish, lizards, and other insects depend on gnats as a food source.

Do We Have a Choice?

Can we simply say no to the reservoir? In December 2021 our city council passed a resolution for WCWCD to “take all steps necessary to acquire all land necessary to construct the negotiated sized Dry Wash Reservoir…”

In addition to that, the Water Conservancy District Act (Utah Code 17B-2a-1001) gives WCWCD a lot of powers, and even more powers as a “special district” (Utah Code 17B-1-103), which, under state code, is a type of “limited purpose local government entity.”

So, what does that mean? Special districts have the authority to exercise eminent domain to take land for their needs. But Jordan Cullimore, the Lead Attorney at the State’s Office of the Property Rights Ombudsman, told me, “They must follow a municipality’s land use regulations. That means WCWCD needs to go through the same approval process as any other landowner would.”

He went on to tell me that if the zoning doesn’t allow for reservoirs in the zone in which the land is located, “the district would need to petition the city to change the zoning to allow it, and the city could say no to the request if the city determines such zoning isn’t needed or doesn’t benefit the public.” Both the current land use and zoning for the reservoir area are low-density residential. That use does not allow a reservoir.

The only land use in Ivins that allows a reservoir is “Park” which is the land use at Fire Lake Park. Given the concern about the reservoir turning into a recreational magnet, “Park” doesn’t seem like the right land use to use. For a reservoir to happen, we either need to create a new land use and zone to accommodate a reservoir or designate a reservoir as a conditional use in a zone we already have, like Commercial with Light Manufacturing (CLM).

By making a reservoir a conditional use, WCWCD would need to go through the Conditional Use Permit approval process to get a permit. Mr. Cullimore points out that, “In that case, the city may only deny a Conditional Use Permit if the city, in light of standards outlined in the city code, identifies reasonably anticipated detrimental effects associated with the use, and makes a finding, supported by evidence and on the record, that there is no way to mitigate the detrimental effects with reasonable conditions.”

Is it possible to show convincingly that the reservoir is not needed or doesn’t provide a public benefit? I don’t think so. I don’t mean to be fatalistic. I just want to be sure we’ve done our homework and found solutions to the problems the reservoir will create.

I think some of the problems can be mitigated if WCWCD follows Wayne Pennington’s recommendations. Can the other problems I’ve brought up and problems I haven’t thought about be mitigated? We won’t know that until we take time to work on them and identify solutions. I believe we need to do that now, before it’s too late. February 21st is a good time to start.

More City Information

I try to keep these articles relatively concise. Not doing too well at that. It’s frustrating because there’s so much to discuss. So, please email me at Mike@MikeScott4Ivins.com for more information about these and other Ivins issues. Also, please tell me what issues in Ivins matter to you. Visit my website at www.MikeScott4Ivins.com for regular updates and now you can also add your comments to my articles.

Make Space

MakeSpace Art School and Studios

Located in beautiful Kayenta.

Check out the new class offerings at MakeSpace Art School.  We have all kinds of creative fun available.  Learn from one of the many quality instructors who have spent years developing their art skills and now share that knowledge with MakeSpace students.  This month’s spotlight is on one of our local favorites, Deena Millecam who lives in St. George and regularly teaches and paints at MakeSpace.

Deena Riley Millecam

Deena MillecamDeena Riley Millecam is a professional painter in both watercolor and oil painting mediums. She encourages students to paint from the heart and to enjoy the process.  Deena gives tribute and appreciation to her father who taught her how to work a fruit farm, her mother who always offered one final critique to a painting and to her late husband, John Millecam who always encouraged her to paint and share her gift with others.  An active member of the art community in Southern Utah, Deena offers her skills generously to her students, thoroughly enjoying the process of teaching.

Upon graduating from Utah State University with a Bachelor of Education in Fine Arts, Deena taught at Vernal Junior High for several years.  After receiving her Masters of Education through the University of Utah, she became an administrator working several positions within the Uintah School District.  During that time Deena also raised seven children!  Upon retiring, she furthered her studies in art with many wonderful artists.  And Deena also manages to spend a lot of time with her grandchildren who are always on adventures.

Showing in several galleries, Deena has painted with many national and local artists.

Her love of watercolor in many different settings shows her enthusiasm for the media.  Deena is furthering her work in portraiture and figurative subjects.  Come join her new class in February and learn how to paint people using watercolor paint!  Here are the details:

Deena Millecam

Portraits & Figures in Watercolor

Starts February 6th

Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Instructor:  Deena Millecam

4-Week Series. Come and experience the delight of watercolor as Deena guides you through painting portraits and figures!  For beginning watercolor students and beyond; all levels are welcome!  Students bring their own watercolor supplies, plus a sketchbook, and a creative smile!  Deena will provide instructions and demonstrations, as well as facilitate class critiques.  What a great way to enjoy this rewarding subject matter amongst the company of creatively-minded individuals!

Beth Hopwood

Create Your Own Soul Collage

February 16

Time: 6 – 8 pm
Instructor: Beth Hopwood

Experience the ability to access your own, personal inner wisdom using images. Allow your creativity to emerge, in your own way, in your own time at MakeSpace. Come and meet your creative edge with Beth through SoulCollage. She will guide and facilitate participants through this creative and soulful process. No artistic talent is necessary.  It is our intention that each participant will leave inspired, fed through this creative process, and perhaps with a desire to continue making SoulCollage cards to build a personal deck.

Kaylee Fisher

Valentine’s Date Night with Pyrography

February 13

Time: 6 – 8 pm
Instructor: Kaylee Fisher

A unique and unforgettable way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your special someone! Our Valentine’s Date Night Pyrography Art Workshop is the perfect blend of creativity and quality time together.  Pyrography is a technique that involves burning a design using a heated tool. It is a beautiful and versatile art form that allows for endless possibilities and personalization.


Margaret Abramshe

Textile Toolbox: Bringing Creative Design Elements to your Fabric Art

Starts February 7th

Time: 1– 3 pm
Instructor: Margaret Abramshe

5 Week Series. Join us in the studio for a fun-based crash course in all that is textiles!  Through a combination of instructor demonstration, practice sessions, and independent studio time, you will print, paint, stamp, and collage while learning fundamentals of design that can be transferred into all your future work. Each week will build on the prior, culminating in the creation of a final project.


MakeSpace Kayenta

Your Community. Your Classes. Your Space. 

View the full schedule online.

And, while you are there, register your email to receive monthly updates on classes.


Petite Feast
Petite Feast
Petite Feast

Petite Feast Dinner Club



With the worst of winter now behind us, March is the month when we can start looking forward to brighter days and more vibrant meals. For Petite Feast Dinner Club that means roasted pork with a bright and cheery apple puree, tender spring garlic, sweet baby carrots, and a dreamy rhubarb panna cotta. We hope you’ll be able to join us for this special dinner that celebrates the unbelievable bounty of the season and the company of good friends and neighbors.


SUNDAY, MARCH 31, 2024











 To reserve your seat at the table please click on the link below

**The exact address and driving directions will be emailed 1 week prior to the event

About Petite Feast Dinner Club: after 35 years as a restaurateur, caterer, chef and Food and Wine best new chef nominee, Victoria Topham is opening her kitchen to share her unique culinary skills and healthy cooking style with guests just like you. PF Dinner Club offers guests the opportunity to socialize with new friends around a shared table while enjoying deliciously upscale meals. Monthly dinners will feature an hors d’oeuvre hour followed by a multi course dinner where mingling with the chef in the kitchen is encouraged. ** Think – mash-up of a restaurant, dinner party and cooking class.  And, she always has a few unplanned courses and surprises for her guests!  Events are announced monthly through the website and pricing for each event varies. Victoria is happy to accommodate your special celebration requests and dietary preferences whenever possible. I hope to see you soon.

“Thank you for another amazing meal!! Ron and I so enjoy the evenings with you, Matt and your guests!  I think Joe and Diane will definitely be back again and our neighbors are also interested in attending one of your feasts. Everything was just delicious.” – Teree and Ron

“From the irresistible appetizers to the stunning chestnut sauce….to the cozy, inviting home you offer us….there was not a moment when I did not feel nurtured, cared for, and prized in your presence. Thank you for another amazing meal.” – Sunny 



A simmering pot of this creamy carrot soup brimming with fresh vegetable flavor and umami-rich miso is guaranteed to brighten up even the dreariest February day. The comforting brilliant orange liquid is practically sunshine in a bowl. Better still, it’s a one pot concoction that comes together in minutes and requires minimal prep and clean up. The ingredient list starts with the classic flavor combination of sweet carrots and peppery ginger, but builds on it by adding the unexpected earthy complexity of white miso. So, if you’re like me and you find yourself yearning for spring while staring at overcast skies, this carrot soup might be exactly the mood elevator you need.

The ingredient list is made up of staples – you probably have most of them in your cupboard already – except for the miso. If you’re unfamiliar with it, miso is an East Asian condiment made from fermented soybeans combined with koji, a type of cultivated fungus that grows on rice and other grains. It is a strangely delicious and useful ingredient to have in your pantry. It comes in a range of colors, white to dark red, which vary in intensity and saltiness. Miso packs a wallop of salty-sweet-umami that amps up the richness and depth of anything it touches. It can be stirred into soups, sauces, salad dressing, dips or almost anything you want to make taste more intriguing or complex. If you don’t already have it, I encourage you to pick some up the next time you are at the market (Harmon’s carries it in the dairy case) and start experimenting!  But if you can’t find it, a few tablespoons of soy sauce or tamari will lend a mild but similarly salty/savory flavor profile to the dish.

To pair with this dish, Tim and Judy recommend a light, acidic white wine such as a Sauvignon Blanc or Chenin Blanc, or even a dry Riesling.  Tim says, “The effect of umami in food on wine is to increase the perception of bitterness and astringency while decreasing the perception of body, sweetness and fruitiness of the wine. Those effects can be balanced somewhat by the saltiness of the dish.” He recommends avoiding most red wines, especially those with low tannins such as Pinot Noir or Beaujolais. And if you’re carrying dry January into February, a slightly acidic pineapple ginger spritz would be a nice zero-proof option. To make it, combine 3 oz pineapple juice, a squeeze of fresh lime juice and ½ t cider vinegar in a tall glass and mix well. Add ice to the glass and top off with ginger beer. Stir gently and serve.

If you have not joined the Virtual Dinner Party but would like to dine with us, please prepare this recipe – or any other – and share it with your family, friends and neighbors. It is our group’s firm belief that by preparing something good to eat and sharing it with those we love, we are participating in one of life’s greatest joys. The connection, community and good will that come from it fill us with joy, hope and gratitude.   I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Thanks for coming to the party. Cook On!  – Victoria



2 T unsalted butter
2 # carrots, peeled and cut into ½” chunks
1 large onion, peeled and chopped
2 T garlic, minced
2 T ginger, grated
Pinch crushed red pepper flakes (optional)
6 C vegetable or chicken stock
½ C white miso paste
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 T sour cream mixed with 1 T fresh lemon juice and chopped fresh parsley for service


Melt butter in a pot over medium high heat. Add chopped carrots and onions and sauté briefly until carrots have softened and onions are fragrant. Add garlic, ginger and crushed red pepper if using. Sauté 1 minute. Add stock and bring to a boil. Cover pot and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer for 10 minutes or until carrots are very tender.

Remove from heat and puree using a handheld immersion blender. Alternatively, cool soup and puree in batches in a good processor or stand blender. Whisk in miso and season with black pepper and salt, if needed.

To serve, combine sour cream and lemon juice in a small bowl. Mix well until thoroughly combined. Portion soup into shallow bowls and top with a swirl of lemon cream and a sprinkling of parsley and soak in the sun.

Serves 2 generously with leftovers or 4 more modestly.

Xetava Gardens Cafe


Xetava Cafe and Tapas+Bar is locally owned, and unlike anywhere you’ve ever been. Designed to be a respite from the bustle of modern life, the building is nestled under the giant red cliffs of Ivins, surrounded by the Kayenta Art Village and Center for the Arts. Allow yourself to be mesmerized by the views while you choose between our new Tapas+Bar area or the original Cafe.

Hours of Operation


CAFE 11-5 • TAPAS+BAR 4-8



CAFE 11-8 • TAPAS+BAR 4-9


CAFE 9-8 (brunch ‘til Noon) • TAPAS+BAR 4-9


CAFE 9-8 (brunch ‘til Noon) • TAPAS+BAR 4-8

Health, Fitness & Wellness

Kayenta’s locally run gyms, fitness classes, spas,  group workouts, wellness activities, and mindful experiences.

“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos – the trees, the clouds, everything.”

Nhat Hanh

Elevate Fitness

Elevate studio

Current Class Offerings 

ElevateFit • 9:30 am, Mon, Wed, Fri

Elevate Yoga • 9:30 am Thur, 10 am Sat

Elevate Studio • 435-632-1381 • jyfitness@me.com

 Class size is limited and subject to change.
Pre-registration is required. Contact John before attending your first class.
Be happy. Be healthy. Have a blast!  ELEVATE!

Kayenta Home Yoga

“The land is whispering feelings of deep rest,
the sense of it landing softly
in each being’s bones and flesh
like gentle fog.”
-Brigit Anna McNeill

Winter’s cooler weather is an invitation to slow down and reconnect with the structure of scheduled classes.

We will pick up where we left off:  Noticing the breath, paying attention to the body, and focusing the mind.

Class Schedule
9:30 – 10:45 Tuesday: Vigorous Vinyasa
9:30 – 10:45 Wednesday: Relaxing Yin/Stretch
9:30 – 10:45 Thursday: Vigorous Vinyasa

Please contact me for more information.  Pre-registration is required.

Karen Kushner (E-RYT 500)

Find Your Joy Yoga

Find your Joy Yoga

Find Your Joy Yoga

Tuesdays at 9:30 am

At John Yohmans’s Elevate Fitness Studio in Kayenta!

Classes are $15 • Punch cards are available for $75 (5 classes)

No sign-up is required!

I will also be offering Sacred Healing Classes one Saturday morning a month
at my most sacred place, my home.

Classes include:
Sacred Tea Ceremony • Meditation • Yoga
Class/workshop will be 2 hours.
Please email me for a list of upcoming classes and dates.

Vaccination cards are required to attend in-person classes.

Call/text: 435-862-7743

Sacred Space Spa

Sacred Space Spa

Body, Skin, and Energy Work

Ask about our add-ons to enhance your treatment! 

Please call or text to schedule or with any questions! Please remember that I am usually booked at least 2 weeks out.

Namaste, Aly Hansen

For a full list of Spa Treatments visit:

Tel: 435-862-7743

Javier’s Massage

Javier Massage

Javier Guzman LMT/LMMT

Massage is medicine for the body and mind

Hi, I’m Javier Guzman a licensed massage therapist who resides in the beautiful community of Kayenta. My handcrafted massages are designed for you whether you want relaxation, deep therapeutic, stress reducing, pain relieving, or just to improve overall health & well-being. Don’t delay your journey to a healthier you!

“I think he is a neighborhood treasure. He has a very nice casita where he works. I love his massage and he is a really nice, thoughtful, considerate, good guy.” ~ Christy Lueders

Call or text for an appointment:

Javier Guzman

Kayenta Pickleball Group (KPG)

Does Pickleball Pique Your Interest?

If you have an interest in joining or have played very little to even not at all and would like to try it prior to paying dues, contact Denton Zubke by email at dbzubke@gmail.com or by phone or text at 701-570-4043. It’s a great way to meet other Kayenta residents and enjoy some fun and get some great exercise.

We’re planning on more organized events such as clinics, beginner classes, and round robins in 2023.  Join us in learning to play.  It’s fun the first day, infectious, and great for fitness.  Please email Denton Zubke or Erin at the Kayenta office for more information.

Trips and Trails

Trips and Trails

Kayenta Exploration Group

February, 2024

We will be going to Bitter Ridge, southwest of Mesquite NV, inside Gold Butte National Monument. Full-day trip.  Bring a lunch. Ten miles of dirt road. Meet at the Kayenta Design Center at 10 am, Monday February 19th, 2024

For details contact Charles Dillier at 435-656-1956

Desert Rose Labyrinth

Desert Rose Labyrinth

The labyrinth is sacred ground, a place of rest and renewal.

The Desert Rose Labyrinth & Sculpture Garden is a community resource with the intention that all who walk the labyrinth will be blessed with peace, comfort, and open hearts. The Labyrinth is maintained and funded by Kayenta volunteers. Please be respectful and leave only footprints. For more information or to make group reservations, please contact:

Cheryl Collins

Beth Hopwood

Desert Rose Labyrinth
792 Kayenta Pkwy, Ivins UT

Community Advocates

Are you a Kayenta resident? Do you have a cause or passion that you are personally involved with in the St. George area?
If so, let your neighbors know right here.

Desert Preservation InitiativeDPI – Desert Preservation Initiative
Advocate: Chuck Warren 

The Dry Wash Reservoir—A seriously flawed plan

“The Dry Wash Reservoir planning document should be stamped ‘What were we thinking’ and filed away in an archived folder as a plan that would ultimately fail in attempting to meet its objectives as a water storage facility.” So wrote the directors of the Desert Preservation Initiative (DPI) in a letter to officials of the Washington County Water Conservation District (WCWCD) and the City of Ivins.

The proposed Dry Wash Reservoir is endlessly controversial—raising tough questions about complicated issues. Need versus cost. Who will get to use the water? How will the reservoir impact nearby homes and the quality of life for residents of Ivins?

The Desert Preservation Initiative has outlined the negative consequences directly.

DPI asks that the WCWCD and Ivins officials re-evaluate the proposed Kayenta site because it will encourage the invasion of the non-native Tamarisk, which will increase fire danger and harm native species, both plant and animal. In short, DPI has told county and city officials that “the reservoir plan has all the ingredients for creating an invasive species nightmare for both the county and the city.”

Key issues include cost and the fact that Tamarisks suck up so much water that they will reduce how much water the reservoir can provide at the same time decrease water quality because Tamarisks shed salt, increasing the salinity of the water. These poor outcomes are inevitable because the proposed Dry Wash site is virtually surrounded by large expanses of Tamarisk to the north, south and west. And Tamarisk is a hugely competitive species that grows faster under far less desirable circumstances than native species such as Cottonwood and Willows, whose seeds are slow to germinate, slow to grow, and can survive only in specific circumstances.


  • Tamarisk will reduce available water. One acre of Tamarisk can consume over 950,000 gallons of water within a year.
  • Tamarisk will increase management costs. Once established, Tamarisk is difficult and costly to remove.
  • Tamarisk hurts native plants and animals. The fact that Tamarisk inhibits the growth of native riparian species has been directly linked to a significant decline in many riparian wildlife populations such as migratory birds.
  • Tamarisk is a threat to both natural and manmade water systems. Millions of dollars are spent each year to remove Tamarisk from agricultural water channels to slow down the loss of water, reduce fire risk, reduce sedimentation and channeling of waterways, and stop invasion into other agricultural areas,
  • Tamarisk is a major fire hazard. Tamarisk increases the risk, frequency, and intensity of wildfires because of the plant’s quick ignition and the thick layer of flammable debris that can sustain a fire. Washington County, Santa Clara, and Ivins fire departments promote and encourage the removal of Tamarisk, particularly near homes and other structures.

What is needed going forward is an Ivins City developed Dry Wash Reservoir Management Plan that clearly outlines the City’s plans for maintaining the reservoir and absorbing the associated costs, regardless of how much reservoir water is directed to use in Ivins.

In short, says DPI, “We cannot stress enough that the Dry Wash Reservoir will require extensive and increasing demands on your resources, on your staffing, and your annual budget in an attempt to manage within the Dry Wash Reservoir the never-ending invasion of one of the world’s worst riparian ecosystem destroyers.”

For more information on how Tamarisk impacts the environment, see the Tamarisk Reduction Project: Why we fight tamarisk the terrorist.

Tamarisk at Gunlock reservoir

A kayak paddler’s view of how tamarisk have invaded the shoreline of Gunlock Reservoir.

Won’t you join us? If you are interested in learning more, volunteering, or having a review of invasive plants on your property, please contact Chuck Warren, president, (chuckwarren222@ gmail.com) or Dan Beck, volunteer coordinator (danbeck2@me.com).

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Humanity
Advocate: Patrick Barickman

To learn more about our projects and mission please visit our website.

835 South Bluff Street, St. George, UT. 84770

Inkas no kill Animal Supporters

INKAS – Ivins No Kill Animal Supporters
Advocate: Lois Hewitt 

INKAS brought Christmas cheer to the Santa Clara – Ivins Animal Shelter and Washington County animal rescue organizations in December.

Stockings filled with treats were hung from each dog kennel and cat room at the shelter. Gifts of toys, cat litter, and cat food were placed under the Christmas tree. PAWS, BAM, New Start K9, Jackson Day Foundation, RSQ and One More Chance animal rescues esch received a gift card to use as needed in support of the important work they do on behalf of homeless animals.

Your donations to INKAS help finance our efforts to provide resources for homeless animals, and are tax deductible. Visit us at www.inkas4pets.org to learn more about the work that we do.

Santa Clara-Ivins Animal Shelter

Bailee Mabe, Shelter Manager

474 North 200 West, Ivins


Hours by appointment:
Monday – Saturday, 8am – 3 pm

Dogs and Cats

Ivins Night Sky Initiative
Advocate: Kai Reed

Ivins Night Sky launched on January 8th, 2019. We are a 100% volunteer, not-for-profit, citizen organization. We registered as a Utah nonprofit corporation in February 2019 and received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS in March.

Our mission is to improve, preserve, and protect the night sky over Ivins and our heritage of dark skies through environmentally responsible outdoor lighting, and to serve as a resource for City officials, residents, and businesses.

Let us know if this Initiative is important to you, if you are willing to get involved, and what else you think we should be doing to improve, preserve, and protect the night skies in Ivins.

Friends of Snow Canyon

Friends of Snow Canyon State Park
Advocates: Lori Capshaw


We’d like to invite all Kayenta residents to join us in supporting Snow Canyon State Park. Our mission is to provide support to Snow Canyon State Park through various means. For more information and to join Friends please visit our website.

Nextdoor Kayenta

Nextdoor Kayenta
Advocate: Ray Borg

Nextdoor is a completely private online website environment for all of the Kayenta Nextdoor neighborhoods. Special thanks to Ray Borg for being our fearless leader.

Community and City Resources

Resident support services, businesses, and education and enrichment programs

Located in the desert community of Kayenta Utah, the Crescent Moon Inn is the perfect place to get away from it all.  The Inn is just a short walk or bike ride from the Kayenta Art Village, where locally-owned art galleries, the Sacred Space Day Spa and the Xetava Garden Cafe add to your unique experience.

For Reservations or Pricing call:

Looking for a Hair Artist right here in Kayenta?….JENN Hair Artist embodies the artistic creativity and passion of the beauty industry. She thrives in creating natural, sexy cuts and color styles for men and women. She looks forward to pampering you.

924A Art Village Way, Ivins, UT 83455
801 637-0884 (call or text)

Happy2Help is an in-home personal concierge service.

Services Include:

• Personal Shopping
• Health Recovery Assistance
• Meal Prep
• Snowbird Service
• Home Organization
• Event Assistance

Call or email Andrea, your trustworthy neighbor at

Good Medicine beauty lab

Good Medicine Intuitive Skin Care

Good Medicine Beauty Lab is a small women-owned company, that creates high-quality face and skincare products. The products are all hand-crafted in our Kayenta lab, from ethically sourced ingredients and wild desert botanicals.

• Unique face and body care products.

• Safe, natural, and locally sourced wild botanical ingredients

Stop by and test all our products, we will be open every day from 9-5!

Kayenta Art Village: 873 Coyote Gulch Ct. Suite C, walk towards the Center for the Arts & look for the bright purple door.

Happy up your home

Is your Home dated, and in desperate need of a complete makeover? I can completely update the look and feel of your home without costly remodeling. I can help with affordable solutions that will transform your space. You will have a home that is organized, more current, and looks beautiful.

Are you building a New Home and need the finishing Touches? I can help with all the decorative touches, from home furnishings to tile, paint & more!

Happy Up Your Home with Home Stylist Nancy Weezy Forman, Kayenta Resident


Kayenta Committees

Board opportunities, landscaping, and ACC & HOA contact information.

Kayenta Deseret ArboretumKayenta Desert Arboretum

Our January rains promise a spectacular bloom this spring in the Arboretum.

Our January rains promise a spectacular bloom this spring in the Arboretum.  Take advantage of our comfortable trails as you visit the Kayenta Art Village.  From March through June, the desert plants as nature displays the colors of indigo, red, orange, and yellow.

  • Look for announcements of lectures to be held in February and March.  They will feature the variety of desert plants and the geologic history of our area.
  • We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Desert Rose Labyrinth this spring. Anniversary celebrations will be announced shortly.
  • The Arboretum plant sale will be held over the Earth Day Weekend April 18-21.

As always, we thank the many volunteers who have spent many hours maintaining and improving these great Kayenta attractions.  If you would like to join us and become part of the team, please contact Roger Head, at (435) 632-1814 or rbhkayenta@gmail.com.

kayenta landscape committeeKayenta Landscaping Committee

Please visit the Kayenta HOA website ACC tab for Landscaping documentation. Select Landscaping Regulations Rev 2017 and Landscaping Review Steps 2017.

Kayenta HOAACC & HOA Information

The Kayenta ACC meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month, 2:00 pm in the Kayenta Community Room. A hard copy of the agenda is posted in the Kayenta Homes & Properties office the Thursday before the meeting.

Questions? Ellen Nathan

Phone: 435-652-8333

Shonto Point HOA Meetings
The Shonto HOA Board meets regularly during the year avoiding some summer months. All meetings are from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM on the third Wednesday of the month in the Theatre for the Arts, located in the Kayenta Art Village. The next meeting will be in September

Taviawk 2023 HOA Board  Meetings
The Board plans to meet on the Thursday after the ACC meeting (which is the 3rd Tuesday of each month) bi-monthly at 9:30 am at F1 Property Management. Dates are: July 20, September 21 & November 16

The Kayenta Concept

The Kayenta Concept is a philosophy that has steered the development of our exceptional community since its inception. The standards that underlie that concept are enforced by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC), which serves both the Shonto Point and Taviawk HOAs. The pre-amble to the 2021 ACC Handbook lays out the basics of the architectural rules that have been followed to create the homes and land-scape we live in.

When your home was designed the Kayenta Concept was front and center. The ACC reviewed your design to evaluate whether it followed the rules, and the ACC monitored construction of your home through landscaping and occupation, again, reviewing adherence to design and construction standards. When you received your occupancy permit and construction deposit refund from the ACC, on-going compliance with the Kayenta Con-cept became the responsibility of your HOA Board of Directors. Your Board has the authority to perpetuate the Kayenta Concept into the future and gladly accepts that role.

The Kayenta Concept is worth reviewing to remind us that what we have here has only happened because of the rules Kayenta developer Terry Marten set up to own, build and live in Kayenta. His vision and the governing documents he developed to achieve and maintain that vision established the Kayenta HOAs and gave them the responsibility and authority to enforce the CC&Rs that underlie the beauty and value we all enjoy


Ivins City Dumpster Dates and Blucan Recycling Calendars

Ivins City

Ivins City Offices are open.

For Appointments with a specific department call:
Administration: 435-628-0606   
: 435-634-9753
Parks or Cemetery: 435-634-7719
Public Works: 435-634-0689
Dispatch: 435-634-5730 or Animal Control: 435-628-1049

Ongoing Events and Activities

Weekly and monthly gatherings

Kayenta Book Lovers

Meetings the 2nd Monday of every month. For more details contact our bookclub

Kayenta Weavers

The Kayenta Weavers group meets weekly to enjoy the limitless creativity of off-loom weaving.

For information contact Katie


Email submissions / changes to kayentaconnection@rdicreative.com with “Kayenta Connection (month)” in the subject line. Our Kayenta Connection Newsletter updates the 1st of the Month. Please submit 6 days prior to the end of the month to be included.

The Kayenta Connection is a publication that is focused on the Kayenta Community (residents, visitors and other interested folks). Information and articles should appeal to our Kayenta readers and reflect the spirit of our community. The KC cannot be responsible for mistakes submitted by the contributor.

The information submitted does not imply sponsorship or reflect the views and opinion of Kayenta Homes & Properties or Kayenta Development. Content not deemed appropriate for our readers will not be published. All information published in the KC is subject to editing.

Not on our mailing list?

Sign up for the Kayenta Connection. We will send you monthly reminders when our next issue of the Kayenta Connection is ready to view online. Sign up to stay connected.

Kayenta Connection is underwritten by Kayenta Homes & Properties for the benefit of the Kayenta Community.