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January 2021

Parade of Homes 2021

The Parade of Homes has been a tradition in southern Utah that has promoted the building industry in the area since 1991.  Kayenta has had representation in the event for twenty-eight of those thirty years.  Many of our residents have enjoyed hosting the event and welcoming people from all over the world to our community since its beginning.  Some of our residents have even discovered our community through the Parade of Homes. 

As the new year begins, we are all looking forward to new beginnings and a fresh start in 2021.  With a hopeful eye on ending the COVID-19 pandemic, we are still confronted with the reality that the new year will not bring a swift end to it. 

The Southern Utah Home Builders Association (SUHBA) has been optimistic that the Parade of Homes for 2021 can continue as it has in the past years.  Kayenta, J2 Construction, Kayenta Homes & Properties and Gulch Design Group have been planning our parade home for the past year and we are continuing to finalize construction and furnishings as usual. 

As President’s Day Weekend approaches (the annual kickoff for the Parade of Homes), we are getting concerned that we will not be able to proceed as normal. Kayenta, J2 Construction, Kayenta Homes & Properties and Gulch Design Group have voiced our concerns to SUHBA about the event taking place this year given the public safety concerns around COVID-19. 

Currently, we are under contract with SUHBA to produce a  parade home that will be open to the public.  A virtual option might be possible but for now, we do not have word from SUHBA if that is an alternative.  We will continue to share information with our community regarding the Parade of Homes as it becomes available to us. 

Kayenta HOmes & Properties

Thank you for your continued support.

Your Kayenta Sales Team,

Jeff Sproul, Principal Broker
Nancy Kosick, Sales Agent
Steve McAllister, Sale Agent


Ivins Night Sky Initiative

If one of the reasons you moved to Ivins was because of the dark starry sky, you need to read this.

Support Preserving the Night Sky in Ivins

First – Thanks to everyone who submitted a comment to the Planning Commission. We understand there were at least 39 comments submitted prior to the meeting and apparently more that came in later. In our opinion that demonstrates strong support for protecting our night sky.  However, during the Planning Commission meeting, one member said the number was insignificant.

We need to show the Planning Commission that there are many, many of us living in Ivins who do SUPPORT preserving the night sky.

Please send an email today!
Deadline for comments for the Jan. 5th Planning Commission meeting is
Monday, January 4th at 4pm 

Sharon Allen, Deputy City Recorder HERE (
Bryan Pack, Planning Commission Chair HERE (

Here’s why it is so important for everyone to speak up.

Although the Planning Commission has not officially approved any of the proposed changes, one vital change they seemed to agree on, with the persuasion of Commission member Bob Morris, was to remove ALL reference to protecting our night sky.  In Mr. Morris’ position paper aptly titled “Night Sky” or “Frightening Sky” he makes such statements as “The internet has been flooded with pro night sky propaganda since 1985”. “The biggest deterrent to Night Sky is not light pollution. It is the MOON.” “This is NSP (Night Sky Proponents) polluting our ordinance”. “Property Rights” should prevail over an NSP “you are polluting MY sky attitude”.  In the meeting, he also made the statement that the words “night sky” had been hijacked by an apparently unsavory group so Ivins City could no longer use that phrase.

What he doesn’t mention in his paper are all the references to protecting our night sky in our General Plan which outlines a vision for the future of Ivins.

• Preserve and enhance the natural beauty of the landscape and spiritual quality of the environment.

• Protect the night sky by carefully regulating lighting while also promoting safety for residents

• Preserve the natural beauty and vistas that give Ivins City its unique identity, including…open spaces and the night sky.

• Pedestrian lighting is all that is needed in a roundabout and unlike traffic signals they will not impact our cherished night sky.

• Lighting is to be subdued and night-sky friendly

So here we are. Obviously two very opposing views of what is of value. It’s only by speaking up and contacting the commission that we can convince them that there is in fact strong support for our night sky (even if they think that is a dirty word). If 39-50 emails are ‘insignificant’ then let’s send 200. Please email today – all your need to say is you value and support protecting the night sky and you oppose any changes that will create more light pollution and degrade our night skies.

We will continue to keep you informed of any changes to the Lighting Ordinance It will be very important to participate in the two Planning Commission Public Hearings that will be scheduled prior to submitting changes to the City Council.  Thank you for your support.

Ivins Night Sky Initiative

Center for the Arts at Kayenta


Master Magician Rhett Guter: Wonder And Wizardry For A New Year

Rhett Guter is a young talented master performing artist. He attended Tuacahn High School then earned his degree in Theater from SUU. His breakout performance as Peter in ‘Peter and the StarCatcher’ at the Shakespeare festival (many other shows too) was truly outstanding. He has been in New York working in Broadway shows for the last 4 years, until covid shut down the city. He is back here in Ivins, his hometown, for a limited time and is a Master Magician and entertainer! We love seeing our local stars shine so brightly!  Rhett will show us the magic on January 8th and 9th and help us welcome in an exciting new year!

We at the Center and Foundation hope that it will be a year full of wonderful happy moments and good surprises, as well as a return to normalcy soon!  In the meantime grab your favorite mask, we are socially distanced and still practicing all protocols! Happy New Year and we will see you at the theater soon!” Jan Broberg

Rhett Guter

Master Magician Rhett Guter

January 8 & 9

If you haven’t already seen Rhett bringing people’s jaws to the floor, head to his website and have a look for yourself. He’ll make you think more than twice about what’s possible with a deck of cards…or your own phone. Rhett doesn’t so much show you tricks as show you his world, magical, impossible—it’s whatever he wants it to be, and he shares it with you in front of your very eyes. He’s been stunning the people of Manhattan for years…get ready for Rhett.

Genome Sequencing

Voyager Lecture Series

January 12

Genome Sequencing: A Biological Jigsaw Puzzle


Have you met the family genes? A portion of the population will experience illness due to predictable bits of their own genetic code. The new Intermountain Precision Health and Genomics population study known as “HerediGene” is working to get half a million people to submit their blood for the creation a model for who might fall ill for genetic reasons.

Center for the Arts at Kayenta

Thank you to for his talent and photography used to promote many Center for the Arts at Kayenta and Kayenta Arts Foundation shows and events.
All programing is subject to change.

Kayenta Arts Foundation

KAF Welcomes Carrie Bunker

Carrie BunkerKAF hired its first Development Director. Carrie Bunker. Carrie grew up in northern Utah but has resided in St George, Utah for over six years. She enjoys taking in the red rock beauty by hiking, biking and most water sports. She enjoys family, the beach, the sunshine, and a good fall football game, especially at her alma mater, the University of Utah, where she received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication and marketing.

Carrie has served on several non-profit boards and committees and has won the honor of Utah Business Magazine’s 30 Women to Watch as well as the prestigious Utah Business Magazine 40 Under 40.

Carrie has a passion for taking a concept and managing it from beginning to end, to bring measurable results. The KAF Board is very happy welcoming Carrie as she joins the team at the Center for the Arts at Kayenta.

The 2021 KAF Gala is postponed for a year. “We do not want to promote an in-person social event that cannot maintain social distancing and may encourage the spread of the virus. Our motto this year is Safety First. We will wait until we can safely gather together to celebrate the ” Says Rob Goodman, Board Chair.

As we wrap up 2020 and welcome the new year, we reflect on the extraordinary year we have all experienced. Your support of our mission and our diverse, enriching programs shone through ever so clearly, even throughout this most challenging time.

Together, we ring in the new year with anticipation and hope. From everyone at the Center for the Arts and Kayenta Arts Foundation, we extend our warmest wishes to you and your family for a new year filled with good health and happiness, surrounded by friends and family.

Happy New Year!
KAF Board of Directors

KAF’s 3rd Anniversary Community Art Project

You Contribute. You Participate. You’re Involved.

 Space is still available.

Due to COVID-19  the dates to pick up your squares have changed again to:

January 24th, 25th, 28th, & 29th.

Community Art Project 2020

Choose one of four dates to pick up and complete a 4 inch square ART jigsaw puzzle. That’s it.

Hollie Ragland and nationally renowned, local artist, Greg Ragland ( are creating a vertical sculpture made of cubes that requires your interaction to construct! A contribution of $100 makes you part of the sculptural team. It buys you your 4 inch square that will be assembled with the others to make one concise piece of art. If so inclined you may purchase more than one square. With the necessary involvement of participants the completed project will raise $4,800 for The Center for the Arts at Kayenta. The finished sculpture created by Greg Ragland with the help of your time will be auctioned to the community—a financial bonus for CFAK added on to your already personal financial gift and your time.

Kayenta Arts “Liquid Color”

Exhibit has been Extended until January 27th

Support the Visual Arts.

All works are for sale, with 25% of proceeds from art sales going to the Center for the Arts at Kayenta.

Center for the Arts at Kayenta, Main lobby

Monday – Friday, 12 – 4 pm

December 2020 Recap of Ivins City Council Activities

Hello and Happy New Year!

Council continues to discuss Black Desert Resort’s request for public funding for an underground parking garage.  City staff and their consultants are analyzing the proforma data.  I anticipate we’ll receive a report on the analysis at our first meeting in January. 

Ivins continues to search for a reliable source of water for the new irrigation system.  The Shivwits Band of Paiute Indians has 2000 acre-feet of water rights they might sell to Ivins but it’s expensive.  At our last meeting, Council approved funding for a feasibility study to determine if it’s more cost-effective to build our own wastewater treatment and reclamation plant.  If the results of the study are positive, Ivins will build a plant and start processing and recycling our wastewater, as opposed to continuing to pay St. George to process our wastewater.  I’m in full support of using recycled wastewater for irrigation.

The Planning Commission is considering changes to the Ivins Lighting Ordinance.  It’s important everyone understands that these changes were NOT requested by City Council.  Last February, Council requested that the Planning Commission modify the Lighting Ordinance to prohibit electronic signboards.  There will be a public hearing associated with the potential changes so tune into the Planning Commission meetings and please send emails to the Planning Commission and participate in the public hearing so that your voice is heard on this important topic.  Our dark sky is important to protect!

Here’s to 2021 – cheers!


Kayenta Art Village Rules of entering stores and Galleries

Washington County
RED: High Risk

Up to date information on Washington County COVID-19 saftey guidelines can be found on the following websites.


Tahri Marpo Ling

Tibetan Buddhist Gonpa

Deepening Your Practice: An 8-Week Class



The heart of a daily Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice is called the Ngondro.  Here, we learn to engage in very transformative spiritual practices involving prayers, visualizations, and the recitation of mantras.  When the ultimate nature of reality is realized, compassion arises naturally.

DATES:  January 9, 16, 23; February 6,13, 20; March 6, 13

TIME:    Saturdays from 10-11:30 am

COST:    $50. (If your fee needs to be reduced or waived, please ask)

TO REGISTER:  Contact Lhamo Khandro by phone or text:  801-671-8758

TEACHER:  Lhamo Thupten Dawa Khandro

PREREQUISITE:  Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism, or permission from Lhamo

Please go to for more information

Lhamo Khandro was ordained a Tibetan Buddhist Lama on May 21, 2017, and founded Tahri Marpo Ling with the blessings and guidance of Lama Thupten Dorje Gyaltsen Rinpoche.  She has been a Buddhist practitioner for 25 years, and is ordained in both the Zen and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions.


Kayenta Community

Our businesses and resident sponsored events and news

Trips & Trails is Back

January 19th, 10 am

We will be going to the sinkhole off Highway 91, before Beaver Dam. 5 miles of Dirt Road. We travel thru the mountain and have lunch at Cedar Pockets. Half-Day Trip.

Leave at 10 am January 19th from the main Kayenta Office, 800 Kayenta Parkway. Bring a lunch.  We will be safe by travelling in our own vehicles, wearing masks and keeping apart.

2021 is here and we are finally able to rebuild and heal from the unrest and uncertainty of 2020. All of our lives have changed immensely over the last year – a year that looked nothing like the year any of us had anticipated. Thankfully the New Year is here.  Let’s embrace and celebrate it.
While we are still not able to gather around Petite Feast’s communal tables as we usually would, we are able to gather around our own dining tables to reflect on and appreciate the community and togetherness that we share. Brighter flavors, sweeter desserts, and heartier laughter are all in store for us!
Please know that I am thoughtfully declining to accept reservations for Petite Feast’s Dinner Club until there is more clarity on indoor coronavirus transmission risks.  Until that time, please stay safe and be well. – Victoria

Petite Feast

January Dinner to Go

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Brighter Days Ahead Dinner

Orange, Red Onion, and Arugula Salad with an Orange-Sherry Vinaigrette

Pumpkin and Yam Soup with Spiced Crème Fraiche

Roasted Salmon with Lentils in a Red Wine Sauce

Vegetarian Option: Beggar’s Purse of Roasted Vegetable and Spinach

Raspberry Pistachio Tart with Honey Peppercorn Cream

Beverage recommendation:  Valpolicella Blend

Movie recommendation: Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Available to rent or purchase on several streaming platforms.

This month’s dinner has everything you need to enjoy the perfect ‘evening out’ in the comfort of your home.  Petite Feast’s made from scratch four-course dinner comes completely cooked with easy to follow heating and serving instructions. The menu requires little more than heating and plating work on your part. It is a super easy dinner designed to treat you and your loved one to a night out ‘IN’.

Dinner date: Sunday, January 31, 2021

Dinners must be purchased by Thursday, January 28, 2021.
Dinners are $85.00 for 2 adults and come with complete heating and serving instructions.
Single dinners are available for purchase by contacting Victoria through the website.
Dinners come boxed and ready for pick up: Sunday, January 31, 2021.
Customer pick up 1/31 between 4-5pm. Unfortunately delivery is not available for this dinner.
Pick up address will be given in confirmation email after purchase.

Have questions? Just contact Victoria at and she’ll be happy to talk through some of the options with you.

Petite Feast Dinner Club

Petite Feast’s Virtual Dinner Party Continues into 2021!

Whew, we made it! The Virtual Dinner Party has said farewell to 2020 and we plan to usher in the New Year with friendship, delicious food and cooking together!  Even though ongoing physical distance precautions have kept us apart, we have made the best of it.  We started off the month by making the classic Indian curry dish, Saag Aloo. However, for this recipe, we made an unusual ingredient swap.  We subbed sweet potatoes for the traditionally used russets in order to amp up the nutrition. The results were not only tasty but particularly appealing on the plate. VDP members Susan Crosby and Judith Hutcheson tried the recipe and received rave reviews on their cookery and on the intoxicating smells wafting from their kitchens. Strong work chefs!

The second recipe of the month was for Spicy Gingerbread Snowballs. The recipe offered a twist on the standard Christmas cookie plate addition.  Lois and Paul Andrews brought their treats to a winter solstice star-watching party where Lois made an unusual (but hilarious) name change for their offering. I bet her cleverness added a bit of holiday Ho, Ho, Ho – or perhaps, Hee, hee, hee – to the “Christmas Star” viewing gathering.  I heard other VDP members baked the cookies to make Secret Santa door drops to their unsuspecting Kayenta neighbors. What a great way to spread some holiday cheer!

We also hosted our first online cooking class in December. For the first time, the Virtual Dinner Party was able to bake together as a group in real-time through the magic of Zoom.  I have to confess, there was a steep learning curve for me. The internet time lag and impersonal nature of zooming were a bit weird, but attendees cheerily persevered through my missteps. They took it in stride that I forgot to mention what mixer attachment to use when making a meringue, and they totally had my back when I left them unattended to search my cupboards for ingredients I had forgotten to set out. But even with the glitches, I am extremely thankful for the experience.  Zooming is no substitute for face-to-face gathering, but in these very unusual times, it was miraculous to be able to spend time with our community of chefs and diners for just one night.  For me, the best part was the spirited text volley between participants that occurred after the class. I am smiling still at how our group continued to inspire and share their creativity with one another.

For the class, we prepared a Holiday Meringue Cake with Chocolate and Rosemary.  Sheree Giesenhaggen and Christy Lueders turned out stunning creations while John Reed provided very insightful and spot-on baking recommendations.  His thoughtful contribution solved the uneven baking conundrum for the group.  In order to ring in the New Year with style, Katy Petersen and Colette Szczensy held off on assembling their cakes until the 31st.  I am certain champagne was the perfect accompaniment to complement their handiwork. And, always delightful Kristin and John Hunt were there too, cheering the group on with their humor and good spirits. It truly was a party!

Please know how grateful I am for the opportunity to continue to cook with you. The activity and your participation continue to boost my spirits. I know that no amount of cooking will fill the void of missing actual contact with our community, but I do hope that this activity and these recipes will help build a bridge to connect us in some way.

If you are not a member but would like to become one, please join us through Next-door.  If you would rather just have access to the recipes, all of them are available at  I will continue to enthusiastically post weekly anticipating the time when we can dine together again around Petite Feast communal tables.

But until that time, be safe and cook on!

Cheers! – Victoria

Coyote Tales

Thank you for sharing your stories with us.

2020 was certainly unusual but we have great hope that 2021 will be a much better year and that we will be able to gather again to share our stories live on stage. We have missed you! But until the time when we can gather together safely, we will continue to host virtual storytelling events. Check out the Coyote Tales website for upcoming dates and themes and join us in the belief that storytelling – in all its forms – is a powerful bond that connects and unites us. We can’t wait to hear your tale!

Coyote Tales events are sponsored by Utah Humanities, Petite Feast, Desert Dweller, and Zion Brewery Station 2 and are offered as a safe way for our community to gather together-apart.  Coyote Tales Virtual events are free.

Xetava Gardens Cafe

We are now open daily.

Monday – Wednesday, 11:30am – 5pm

Thursday – Friday 11:30am – 8pm

Saturday-Sunday 9 am-8 pm

Thank you very much for your continued support.

We are open for

Online Orders too.

Stay safe, support local
and still get your favorites.

Windhorse Relations

Windhorse Relations is a non-profit organization

that partners with the American Wild Horse…right here in Ivins.

See the mustangs interacting in the herd

Our programs are about “Creating Willing Relationships” with the American Wild Horse, and maintaining its unbroken spirit and loving nature. We offer “Where Heart Meets Horse”  experiences at Kayenta Korrals during the winter.  This adventure connects humans with the spiritual nature of the wild horse and themselves.

In this two-hour adventure, participants come to understand the horse’s perspective toward humans and learn to observe the horse’s nonverbal language. A critical component of this training is to create a safe space for the horse and the participant.

The cost is $100 donation to benefit the Windhorse Herd. Reservations are required. 

Call (801) 557-1257

Gift Certificates are available

Health, Fitness & Wellness

Kayenta’s locally run gyms, fitness classes, spas,  group workouts, wellness activities and mindful experiences.

“ You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

~ C. S. Lewis

Elevate Fitness

Limited Participation Classes

Elevate Studio is offering a limited participant outdoor fitness class. No more than 4 participants per class and you are required to bring your own equipment. Pre-registration is required as these classes remain popular.
Elevate is a boutique fitness studio located in Kayenta offering group fitness classes, and private, semi-private and group training workouts. Be happy. Be healthy. Have a blast!  ELEVATE!

Inquiries can be directed to
John Yohman, Owner
Elevate Studio • 435-632-1381

Sacred Space Spa

We are Open

I am booking massage appointments and follow strict COVID-19 guidelines for my industry and for your safety.

Sacred Space is a boutique-like day spa offering world renowned spa treatments as well as a wonderful selection of products, books, teas, and gifts. All spa treatments are performed by licensed professional therapists and estheticians that have been extensively trained and are extremely talented body workers and healers. For more information on our services, pricing and monthly discounts visit our website. Your neighborhood day spa and yoga studio.

Tel: 435-862-7743

Find Your Joy Yoga

New Zoom format for Winter

Virtual Yoga Classes: Tuesday & Thursday FYJY with Aly at 9:00 am

Contact Aly via email or phone to join the class and be sent a link. No limit on participation!


Fitness Yoga

Classes Temporarily Suspended

Friday mornings 9 to 10:30 am, except most of June, July, and August.

These 90 minute sessions emphasize breathing, strength, flexibility, and balance. The level is intermediate and the style is hatha flow.   We are a warm and welcoming group with an average of 8–14 participants.  The location is the Room for Thought, a multi-purpose room in Kayenta’s Art Village.

If you have some experience and would like to join in the fun, please call first at 435-619-3475 for more details.

Kayenta Pickleball Group

We have a women’s league on Monday mornings and mixed doubles drop-in play on Tues, Thurs & Saturday mornings. Contact one of the members below for the current start times.  Players’ abilities vary, with some playing in competitive tournaments others more focused on great exercise and having fun on the courts with neighbors.  If you’re thinking about giving pickleball a try, please contact a member of the committee or any active member for details about joining. It’s a great game! Members in good standing may access the secured courts at any time.  See you on the courts!

Joel Lueders:
Michael Hopwood:
Trish Olson:

Village Fitness Center

We are open

The Village Fitness Center is open but with limited class sizes. Following social distancing protocols for the safety of everyone we are only allowing 4 participants for each class. The Village Fitness Center located near the theater and next to the room for thought has circuit training classes M/W/F at 8 am and Tu/Th/Sat at 9 am. ($4 per session). Other options to use the facility are also available. Come join your neighbors to strengthen your muscles, improve your heart rate and have some fun. Please contact Gloria Prahl for more information and to check on class availability.

435-674-2824    435-669-0430

Community Advocates

Are you a Kayenta resident? Do you have a cause or passion that you are personally involved with in the St. George area?
If so, let your neighbors know right here.

Inkas no kill Animal Supporters

INKAS – Ivins No Kill Animal Supporters
Advocate: Lois Hewitt 

Happy New Year. Thank you for your continuing generous support of INKAS.

The Ivins Animal Shelter
Bailee Sleppy, Manager
HOURS: Monday – Saturday: 8AM – 3PM
Sunday: CLOSED

Lois Hewitt: President. 435-414-4802
Sara Dupre: Secretary. 206-724-5902
Please visit our website to read INKAS accomplishments! Remember the pets waiting for adoptions or fostering at the Ivins City Animal Shelter.
INKAS is a 501(c) 3 organization and is a Registered Utah Charity.  You can also check us out on Facebook.

Friends of Snow Canyon State Park
Advocates: Isabelle Kalantzes

NOTICE:  The Park is now open to all visitors.

We’d like to invite all Kayenta residents to join us in supporting Snow Canyon State Park. Our mission is to provide support to Snow Canyon State Park through various means. For more information and to join Friends please visit our web site.

E-mail us at “Like” us on FriendsofSnowCanyon.

Nextdoor Kayenta
Advocates: Nathan Dupre & Kathi Fox

Nextdoor is a completely private on-line web-site environment and we now have ONE Kayenta Nextdoor neighborhood with two leaders Nathan Dupre and Kathi Fox.

Three Corners Women’s Giving Circle
Advocates: Emily Evans

Three Corners Woman's Giving CircleWe invite women and men residents of Kayenta to join us in our mission to fund local nonprofits that support women and girls of all ages in the southern Utah area. Through the strength of collective giving we make high impact grants to improve lives in our community. Please Join Us.



Ivins Night Sky Initiative
Advocate: Nathan Dupre

Ivins Night SkyPlease visit the Initiative’s website for more information at or email them at

The mission of the Ivins Night Sky Initiative is to improve, preserve, and protect the night sky over Ivins and our heritage of dark skies through education and information about environmentally responsible outdoor lighting, and to serve as a resource for City officials, residents, and businesses.

Let us know if this Initiative is important to you, if you are willing to get involved, and what else you think we should be doing to improve, preserve, and protect the night skies in Ivins.

Community and City Resources

Resident support services, businesses, and education and enrichment programs

Looking for a Hair Artist right here in Kayenta?….JENN Hair Artist embodies the artistic creativity and passion of the beauty industry. She thrives in creating natural, sexy cuts and color styles for men and women. She looks forward to pampering you.

924A Art Village Way, Ivins, UT 83455
801 637-0884 (call or text)

Happy2Help is an in home personal concierge service.

Services Include:

• Personal Shopping
• Health Recovery Assistance
• Meal Prep
• Snowbird Service
• Home Organization
• Event Assistance

Call or email Andrea, your trustworthy neighbor at
401-258-9772 or

Located in the desert community of Kayenta Utah, the Crescent Moon Inn is the perfect place to get away from it all.  The Inn is just a short walk or bike ride from the Kayenta Art Village, where locally-owned art galleries, the Sacred Space Day Spa and the Xetava Garden Cafe add to your unique experience.

For Reservations or Pricing call:

Staying Put in Kayenta is a member-driven organization for Kayenta residents, proactively providing programs and services so members can lead vibrant, active and healthy lives while living in their own homes.

For information contact
Ellen Nathan
Secretary for Staying Put in Kayenta

Art Classes

“Art is a series of trial and error, of discovery and hope, and determination”

Artwork by Sher

Classes Run for Six Weeks.
You will be able to sign up for another six weeks if you choose to continue.

PLACE • New Studio
Fire and Maintenance building in the Art Village
TIME • Mon. or Tues. from 10 AM to 1PM
PRICE • $210 per 6 week session (Six classes)
INSTRUCTOR • Sherrie Warren
BACKGROUND • Bachelor Fine Arts. Taught for 10 years. Worked in acrylics, oils, and pastels.

HOME • 435-656-9199 CELL • 801-680-9616

Kayenta Committees

Board opportunities, landscaping, and ACC & HOA contact information.

Kayenta Deseret ArboretumKayenta Desert Arboretum

If you haven’t visited the arboretum, take advantage of this unique attraction in our community.  The arboretum was expanded last year and now extends from the north parking lot of Coyote Village to the Desert Rose Labyrinth.

Each year we need volunteers to keep this Kayenta treasure looking its best.  Whether you have volunteered in the past or not, please let us know if you can help with the occasional maintenance needed to keep it beautiful.  We are developing a permanent list of arboretum volunteers.  Please contact Roger Head, or 435-632-1814.

kayenta landscape committeeKayenta Landscaping Committee

Please visit the Kayenta HOA website ACC tab for Landscaping documentation. Select Landscaping Regulations Rev 2017 and Landscaping Review Steps 2017.

Kayenta HOAACC & HOA Information

The Kayenta ACC meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month, 2:00 pm in the Kayenta Community Room. A hard copy of the agenda is posted in the Kayenta Homes & Properties office the Thursday before the meeting.

Questions? Ellen Nathan

Phone: 435-652-8333, email:

Blue Can Recycling

Blue Can Recycling

January 4 & 18

Dumpster Dates

January 9

Due to Covid-19 Restrictions, Pubic Works Employees will be unable to help unload. Please place heavy items on the ground.

Ivins City

Ivins City Offices are open.

For Appointments with a specific department call:
Administration: 435-628-0606   
: 435-634-9753
Parks or Cemetery: 435-634-7719
Public Works: 435-634-0689
Dispatch: 435-634-5730 or Animal Control: 435-628-1049

Ongoing Events and Activities

Weekly and monthly gatherings

Kayenta Book Lovers

Meetings the 2nd Monday of every month. For more details contact our bookclub

Kayenta Weavers

The Kayenta Weavers groups meets weekly to enjoy the limitless creativity of off-loom weaving.

For information contact Katie at:

Spirit of the Desert Episcopal Church

Every Sunday at 3 pm in Kayenta’s Room for Thought. For details contact Katie Mays at 435-628-3552.

*Tahri Marpo Ling

Tibetan Buddhist Sangha


Join us on Friday and Sunday mornings, from 10-11 am.  Contact Lhamo Khandro by texting or calling 801-671-8758, to get ZOOM instructions for entering this virtual Buddhist sangha.

Friday, 10-11 am, Green Tara Practice

Sunday, 10-11 am, Awakened Mornings

Visit our website: for ongoing information about classes, meditation periods and retreats.

*Tahri Marpo Ling was founded by Lhamo Thupten Dawa Khandro on May 21st of 2017, with the blessing and guidance of Lama Thupten Dorje Gyaltsen Rinpoche.  Lhamo Khandro has been ordained in both the Zen and Tibetan Buddhist lineages, and has been practicing Buddhism for 25 years.


Email submissions / changes to with “Kayenta Connection (month)” in the subject line. Our Kayenta Connection Newsletter updates the 1st of the Month. Please submit 6 days prior to the end of the month to be included.

The Kayenta Connection is a publication that is focused on the Kayenta Community (residents, visitors and other interested folks). Information and articles should appeal to our Kayenta readers and reflect the spirit of our community. The KC cannot be responsible for mistakes submitted by the contributor.

The information submitted does not imply sponsorship or reflect the views and opinion of Kayenta Homes & Properties or Kayenta Development. Content not deemed appropriate for our readers will not be published. All information published in the KC is subject to editing.

Not on our mailing list?

Sign up for the Kayenta Connection. We will send you monthly reminders when our next issue of the Kayenta Connection is ready to view online. Sign up to stay connected.

Kayenta Connection is underwritten by Kayenta Homes & Properties for the benefit of the Kayenta Community.